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About Me

Robin Curry, BA, MCP, RCC (# 20139)


I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor through the British Columbia Association for Clinical Counsellors (BCACC) specializing in topics of anxiety, depression, and trauma/PTSD. I conduct counselling in both English and Punjabi online, phone, and in-person. My prime focus in counselling is to help empower you to discover your journey towards healing and resilience. I believe counselling is a form of healing which begins by prioritizing your mental health. I will help you work towards this journey through collaboration and interventions in this healing process. I will provide a holistic approach to allow you to connect to your mind, body, and soul.


I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-Based CBT, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Play Therapy, and Narrative Therapy. My work emphasizes using different modalities that best suit the client’s needs. I provide a holistic approach to allow clients to connect to their mind, body, and soul.


I aim to empower you by providing a safe space to voice your story. I am excited to learn about your worldviews and unique qualities. I encourage you to work through your challenges with me and work towards your journey of healing and resilience.

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Training and Certification

MCP: Master of Counselling Psychology (Adler)

BA: Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major in Anthropology, Minor in Sociology (KPU)

AA: Associate of Arts Degree in Psychology (KPU)

BCACC: Registered Clinical Counsellor # 20139

Gottman Couples Therapy Level 1 

Indigenous Canada

San'yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training (FNHA)

Standard First Aid with CPR-C-AED

Approved Counsellor Provider for

British Columbia Emergency Health Services (BCEHS)

Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP)

First Nations Health Authority (FNHA)

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC)

Metis Nation of BC (MNBC)​

Focus Areas

Anger Management


Behavioural Issues

Bipolar Disorder

Career Guidance 


Grief & Loss

Life Transitions

Life Coaching


Relationship Issues




Suicidal Ideation


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